How To Deal With Breakup??

When you are having trouble dealing with break up it is only natural. There is nothing to be ashamed of because everyone does. The important thing to do is to decide how you are going to dealing with break up.

You have two ways that you can go about dealing with break up. The first is to let it tear you apart. The second is to overcome it and become stronger because of it. There is a saying that that whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger but that all depends on your attitude and how you decide you will be dealing with break up.

This break up may have been the most devastating thing you have gone through but you don't have to let it destroy you. What makes you a survivor is you deciding that this moment will not define you. A marriage ending in divorce or any type of relationship ending is difficult. If it was due to someone's infidelity or an affair then you may have self-esteem issues that you need to get some counseling to help you through it. The same is especially true if there was abuse of any kind involved. If you were on either side of those issues, seek some help. Dealing with break up for any reason can cause some long-term problems if they aren't dealt with soon.

When you are dealing with break up you want to be strong after you have gone through all of it. By deciding that you are going to come out a winner and stronger you are going to be helping yourself by giving yourself some positive focus and good goals to achieve. Don't let this consume you. You have to be able to move on. Winning this is learning that there is life after this relationship and finding that life.

Also, don't decide that you just want to survive, decide that you are going to THRIVE! Realize that your best days are ahead of you. Wake up each morning trying to focus on what good things can come on this day and try to be excited about what tomorrow holds. Focus on the good things that life has to offer. Life is over just because that relationship ended. You don't have to lie to yourself and others. Believe that today is a gift and that you are fortunate because you have an unopened gift waiting for you just around the corner. Once you start believing that, you won't have any more problems dealing with the breakup.

Breaking up is hard to do but it is only as devastating as you let it be. A nasty breakup doesn't have to be the end of you. It can and will be a new beginning. The breakup of a relationship doesn't have to bring the breaking up of your life. If you build a new foundation from the ruins of this tough breakup, chances are that you will have no problem dealing with break up in the future.

Meeting Mr. Right

Meeting Mr. Right can be a long bumpy journey! There's nothing sexist or insincere about having to narrow down your dating prospects. To avoid any hurt feelings, avoid committing yourself or spending long periods of time with one person. This is an important decision and it should not be treated lightly, as the "winner" of this contest could very well be the love of your life!

How can you decide if a person is right for you? To some extent, the old expression "you just know" applies here. Usually, one person will stand above the others and be highly compatible with you. You will have a strong emotional reaction when you think about this person, a feeling far beyond just attraction. You will be motivated by love when you interact with this person. The effect of the relationship will be a very positive one and you will find yourself longing for that person's company.

If you have serious doubts about the person you are dating this may or may not be a sign of trouble. In the meantime, it may help to start writing about the person you are interested in, as this will let you think freely about their best positives and worst negatives. In addition, try taking a few personality tests that are available online or create a personality test on your own. Create both fantastic and realistic scenarios and ask yourself of all the dating prospects you know, who would be your most preferred choice? For example...

    * Who would you most like to take to meet your parents?
    * Who would be willing to duel for if you lived in The Medieval Ages?
    * Who could you most see starting a family with?
    * Who best shares your sense of humor?
    * With whom can you speak the most honestly?
    * Who would you prefer to be stranded with on a desert island?
    * Who do you tend to argue with the most?
    * Who do you fear losing the most?

You can have as much fun with this as you desire, as naughty or nice as you would have it. By the end of the experiment though, you will start to notice a pattern: the one you like or love most will likely dominate most of the questions, especially the scenarios that involve deep emotions.

By now you understand a little more about love and what you're looking for in a romantic partner. However, there is still more information to consider - namely, the role that the law of attraction plays in building a relationship. Meeting Mr. Right may take patience but the reward is sweet!